Happy birthday Bowie

Sixty candles make a lovely light.
Sixty candles make a lovely light.

Who wants to see a bunch of bands play songs they didn’t write? Apparently, quite a lot of folks across the greater United States. Jerry Perry, booking agent for Old Ironsides, would be first to second that notion. His artist-themed tribute shows draw great numbers. From Dolly Parton to Johnny Cash to his annual Dead Rock Stars soiree, no song is left uncovered. Bands like Bright Light Fever, the Snobs, Pets, Didley Squat, and Stars and Garters will rally together with Mr. Perry to celebrate the 60th birthday of David Bowie on January 8. Each band will play (or at least attempt) three favorite Bowie songs at Old Ironsides, located at 1901 10th Street. Since Bowie’s birthday lands on a Monday, the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8. Visit www.theoldironsides.com for the complete lineup.