Why must the mere mention of Valentine’s Day send chills up and down our spines? Perhaps Americans have put too much emphasis on the pseudo-holiday in an effort to bolster the spirits of those in love, thereby messing with the collective psyches of those who’ve yet to find their partners in crime. Whatever the reason, the annual Crooning Couples Valentine’s Day soiree is one of the best ways to get through what could be a difficult day. This year’s lineup represents the cream of the crop of Sacramento’s music talent pool. Members of Two Sheds, Spider Silk Dress, the Skirts, Daycare, Baby Grand, the Devastates and many more will play songs until last call. Catch all the action on Wednesday at Old Ironsides, located at 1901 10th Street. Tickets are $8 and the show starts at 9 p.m. Sorry teenagers in love, the show is 21 and over.