Stand up for royalty

Grammy-worthy jazz: Attending a show at the Mondavi Center’s intimate Vanderhoef Studio Theatre Cabaret is akin to stepping into a different time zone—and zip code—from years gone by. As luck would have it, Billy Childs and his quartet held court there for a four-night residency last week—just days before the jazz pianist and composer snagged his fourth Grammy Award for arranging “New York Tendaberry.”

On this particular Thursday night, the group dealt a heaping dose of Childs’ own recorded jazz numbers mixed with various bits of improv and personal taste. Steve Wilson (alto, soprano sax), Hans Glawischnig (stand-up bass) and Johnathan Blake (drums and percussion) are all immensely talented musicians.

From the opening number, “Backwards Bop,” through to the group’s splendid rendition of Horace Silver’s “Peace,” no musical stone was left unturned. Each member, as in any good jazz quartet, was able to strut his stuff and display chops—taking turns while never seeming self-indulgent. If anything, we wished some of Childs’ solo anecdotes never ended.

The capacity crowd—ranging from 20-somethings to those leaning toward their 60s—couldn’t have been any more attentive and patient. Nary a cell phone was seen snapping photos, tweeting or recording during the near-90 minute performance. Each tune—including two different numbers about Childs’ sons—was met with huge rounds of applause.

Pay close attention when Mondavi does these intimate cabaret shows—you’ll rarely see many of the artists come through again for years. Plus, the sound is flawless, there isn’t a bad seat in the house and there’s a fully-stocked bar. Only two more musicians will perform at the Vanderhoef during the remainder of the season: saxophonist Donny McCaslin with his jazz group on March 25-28, and French-Canadian bass-baritone Philippe Sly, May 16-17.
