Indian Cooking at Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op with Meera Klein

Looking to bolster your kitchen skills? Been eating Indian food out more than you should, and it’s finally breaking your bank? Meera Klein, author of My Mother’s Kitchen, will be teaching a special class highlighting Indian cuisine and its inherent flavors. Not only will she talk about the fine art of preparing said dishes, those in attendance will be treated to generous samples including Aviyal stew-vegetable coconut stew, sweet potato casserole, milk fudge and some hearty chickpea snacks. Additionally, she’ll tell stories of her childhood and read excerpts from her book, which give some insight into her upbringing. “It’s not a cookbook; it’s more like vivid food writing. I describe the lemon rice—how tangy, how fragrant, the process of how it’s made. At the end of the chapter, there’s a recipe. There are 25 recipes in the book. There are several rice dishes, stews, many favorites, all vegetarian,” said Meera Klein in an interview with the Sacramento Bee (in 2015). Folks who don’t own a co-op membership should buy their card in advance to take advantage of a discount on the class and, of course, discounts on all groceries for the calendar year. Admission is $45 for members and $35 for non-members. More info at
