Atlanta, Georgia’s SADISTIC RITUAL set to destroy both the Cafe Colonial in Sacramento on May 20th and the DNA Lounge in San Francisco on May 21st.

For black and thrash metal fans, the latest split EP featuring Atlanta’s Sadistic Ritual and
Vancouver’s own Wormwitch couldn’t have come at a better time. Released by underground
label, Boris Records, it’s the three tracks from the former that are sure to blow minds.

Photo by Brady Hunter

And while the quartet are not yet a household name on the touring circuit, the songs are the
perfect precursor to the band’s forthcoming record on Prosthetic Records. Already darlings
of Decibel Magazine, the new music is sure to draw comparisons to such disparate acts as
Naglfar, latter era Satyricon, Aura Noir, and even Sodom.

Longtime fans will remember the band issued ‘The Enigma, Boundless’ over two years which
solidified the group as a formidable force both in the studio and on the live front. And while
many different press outlets have scrambled to pigeonhole the band’s sound – some call it
“psychedelic thrash” even – what’s most evident is the group’s songs on the nine-song platter
transform the listener to another dimension. Starting with the plodding rhythms of the lead
track, “End Of All Roads,” there is no shortage of insane riffs and killer leads. Other standout
tracks include “Murmur,” “Area Denial,” and “raving Voyeurism.”

Today the band is rounded out by guitarist /vocalist Charlie Southern, guitarist / producer
Alex Parra, bassist / vocalist LaMar George, and drummer Joe Sweat.
We caught up with Alex as he was preparing to hit the road for a US tour that will take them
from San Diego, California on May 16th to the tour’s inevitable closer in Brooklyn, New York
on June 8th.

Capital Chaos TV: You guys formed in 2009 and are still touring. What do you attribute to
your longevity as an underground metal band?

Alex Parra: The band formed in 2009 and started touring in 2015 during the ‘Edge of the
Knife’ EP. Ever since the band got together, we’ve been through our ups and downs with
members changes but never had a good enough reason to split the band up. Today, Charlie
writes the majority of the music. I produce the albums and add my ideas and solos during
that stage. It’s has been that way for the last nine years and is still going strong.

Capital Chaos TV: The new split EP is one of my favorites of 2024. Do you have more songs
from that session that weren’t released? The production is absolutely killer. Tell us about who ran the boards and recording process.

Alex Parra: Thanks! I’m glad you like the production! As mentioned earlier, I produce all the
records. The songs are ideas we had shortly after the release of ‘The Enigma, Boundless.’ It’s
very much a continuation of the concepts from that record.

Capital Chaos TV: Any plans for new record in latter 2024 / 2025? What label will be

Alex Parra: We have a list of ideas and working demos for the next album. Writing will
resume right after this tour with Masacre. Prosthetic Records will be releasing the next full-
length album.

Capital Chaos TV: Do merchandise sales account for a great portion of your tour receipts?
What do you guys do to save money on tours in smaller venues?

Alex Parra: Selling merch is the only way we are able to tour. Everything on the tour depends
on it. The show guarantees insure we have the gas covered getting from venue to venue, but
the rest is dependent on merch sales. Other ways we save money is by having bunk beds in
our van to save on hotel rooms. We try to only get a room when we need one. It is a lot of
planning and thinking ahead to pull of a tour successfully these days.

Capital Chaos TV: Any offers to tour overseas this year or next? Will we see the band coming
back in latter 2024? How did the Masacre tour come about?

Alex Parra: No offers for overseas or for a US tour later this year yet. We know we have some
fans overseas so hopefully one day. It is a much bigger risk to tour over there for US bands so
it depends on a lot of conditions. The Masacre tour was put together by our booking agent,
Amos Rifkin under Heavy Talent, so it was not hard to add us to the tour as we have been
looking for the right tour to do so.

Capital Chaos TV: Any great bands from the Georgia scene. Any bands you play with more
than others?

Alex Parra: We all play in other killer bands from around Atlanta, so we can start there. We
share members with Vimur, a black metal band that l recently completed work on their
fourth album. Charlie also plays in Alabama’s Ectovoid which also has a new album I am
working on. It’s really good death metal. I play in Paladin a power/thrash band that focuses
on infectious riffs, solos, and soaring vocals. Definitely real Guitar Hero kinda stuff.
Moonlust, Cemetery Filth, Turn Cold, Cloak, Cauldron Born, Metaphobic, and Shepherds ov
the Veil are all bands we’re close friends and associated with.

Sadistic Ritual play the Cafe Colonial located at 3520 Stockton Blvd. in Sacramento on
Monday, May 20th. Rounding out the bill is Masacre (from Medellin, Columbia) and locals
Abhorrency. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $20 at Cafe
Café Colonial is located at 3520 Stockton Blvd.. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts promptly at 7:30pm. As always, all ages are welcome. Get there early to score some fine Cafe Colonial food fare.

Sadistic Ritual also play the DNA Lounge located at 375 11th Street in San Francisco on
Tuesday, May 21st. Rounding out the bill is Masacre (from Medellin, Columbia) and locals
Hellhunter featuring drummer Will Carroll from Death Angel fame. Tickets can be purchased
in advance for $21 advance at Tickets are $27 at the door. Doors open
at 7pm and the show starts promptly at 7:30pm. All ages are welcome.

Thrash ‘til death.

(Capital Chaos TV)