Before Gemini and Apollo

The Mercury Program: the right stuff?

The Mercury Program: the right stuff?

The Mercury Program will hit town during its five-week stint of live dates to support its latest Tiger Style release, All The Suits Began To Fall Off. This instrumental four-piece from Gainesville, Florida, uses vibraphones and bells to great effect. “[Vibraphonists] Dave and Whit are actually the only trained musicians,” says Tom Reno, the group’s guitarist, bassist and bell player. “I guess we actually know a lot about music, but neither [myself nor bassist Sander] have had any formal training. The Mercury Program is the main band for us. We may alter a few things here and there, but generally we try to write songs we can perform live.” If All the Suits is any indication, Capitol Garage will be blessed come Saturday, August 4, at 9 p.m. Also on the bill is the Fireside Band and Nevada City quartet Pocket for Corduroy, which joins the tour for a handful of California dates.
