The Fugue in the Fog

The Apes know how to make the Moog keyboard work to their advantage. Under the direction of vocalist Paul Weil, this Washington, D.C., quartet plays a gritty, retro-influenced bastardization of rock ’n’ roll, like the Liars and Brainiac reduced to their most primitive forms. The Fugue in the Fog should dispel any notion that the Apes’ hometown hasn’t produced more than one good band. Jeff Schmid’s drums, coupled with Amanda Kleinman’s colorful organ work, make for one hell of a sonic experience. As evidenced in “Mountain of Steel” or “Land Of Ruin,” the Apes know how to create soundscapes without the addition of the electric guitar. Even fans of stoner metal, à la Sleep or early Kyuss, will enjoy what the Apes bring to the table. A bunch of lower primates cashing in on rock music’s new subculture? I think not.

(RN&R & SN&R)