You’ll have to ask MDSO what the acronym stands for. If lyric content is any indication, it probably has something to do with oral sex. But if there’s one band in Sacramento that could make Tipper Gore turn in her Saks Fifth Avenue pumps, it’s MDSO. Fronted by the spicy Kahlil Hedrick (ex-Funky Blue Velvet), this four-piece has been creating quite a stir in the punk community. Drummer Don Segur, bassist Joe Hedrick and guitarist Chris Koskela hold down some of the best grooves since the sadly defunct Spinach, Diseptikons and Biscuit. MDSO refuses to stay within any confines, fusing tribal Faith No More beats with galloping punk-rock rhythm à la early MDC, Dead Kennedys and Oakland crust-punk. Hedrick’s lyrics are absolutely hilarious; topics range from the wonders of the penis (“Shoot-out”) to such rear-entry odes as “Cackwhiff.” “Slutdick” features a cool Slayer/24-7 Spyz medley.
