Local troubadour and Berlin transplant, ANTON BARBEAU, to play an intimate Sacramento venue to celebrate his latest record. November 4.

Perhaps one of the most prolific musicians to ever rise out of the Sacramento Valley, singer / songwriter Anton Barbeau has been busy for the last three decades releasing an astounding 30 full-lengths and myriad singles, EPs, and more.

His new double album, ‘Morgenmusik/Nachtschlager,’ was recorded in 2022 and features some well-known names including Colin Moulding of XTC, Andy Metcalfe (ex-Robyn Hitchcock’s Soft Boys/Egyptians), Julian Cope guitarist/producer Donald Ross Skinner, and longtime collaborator Allyson Seconds. To top it all off, Grammy Award-winning producer Oz Fritz mastered it all.

If you’re a fan of acid rock, folk, pop, funk, and everything else in between, you are hereby summoned to attend his upcoming record release party.

How many leftover songs didn’t make your ambitious 2-record set?

There was roughly a third album’s worth of songs. Some were too dreary and some were way too cheery. But an album always knows best.

How many shows do you have before you head back overseas? Plans for shows in Berlin or other overseas cities?

My father’s health isn’t so great, so I’m staying close at hand these days. I had concerts booked for Berlin, the UK, and Estonia, but it made better sense to let those go for now. The Sacramento show will be the final of only a few album launch gigs.

Who makes up the ‘Maude Squad’ band at your live shows?

Jeff Simons on bass, Tom Monson on drums, Kevin Allison on guitar and my wife Julia sings harmonies and plays synth.

Why The Side Door over Old Ironsides or even Harlow’s?

I think Allyson (Seconds) told me about the Side Door and suggested it’d be a good place for a gig like this. I lived abroad for 15 years and came back when the pandemic hit, so my view of the Sacramento scene is pretty vague at this point. Anyway, regarding the Side Door, the Maude Squad has been playing with a lower stage volume lately, which is ironic as I’ve discovered my true calling as ‘Proper Terrible Guitar God.’

What mediums are the new album being made available?

CD and digital only. One of the labels that released the new one, Think Like A Key, does loads of vinyl, including reissues of all sorts of fab 60’s and 70’s music I adore, but timing-wise and money-wise, we couldn’t make vinyl work for this one. I only release cassettes when I have an album I want no one to hear! I’m not a purist or a snob. I love music more than the medium it’s on, but CDs remain the most practical physical format for me.

Do you ever see yourself being a California full-time resident again?

Well, I sorta am right now! I’m living on my wife’s family farm in Auburn, back and forth to Sacramento to see my dad. My status in Germany is a little unknown – I had a permanent residence visa – and during the pandemic there was a lot of leeway allowed. I could be away from Berlin for a year without my visa being affected. My ex-wife and I divorced and my visa was initially through her, but the passport cops kept letting me back into Berlin. As far as they were concerned, the visa was valid. One way or other, it’s always my aim to return to Berlin, though far more likely it would be for small blocks of time. Julia loves her job here and I’ve got a great little studio going now for writing and recording.

I love how you reference Momus as a musical comparison. Have you done any shows together?

He’s brilliant, right? Intimidatingly so. I’ve had coffee with him, but no gigs together. We lived in the same Berlin Kiez. He’d lived at Sanderstrasse 13, moving out just before I moved into 14. In typical Berlin fashion, we check in from time to time, asking the other knows of an sublettable apartment etc. He described my song “Even The Swans Are Dirty” as “an anthem for Neukolln,” which pleased me.

Who are your labels here and abroad?

Think Like A Key is the US label releasing ‘Morgenschlager.’ A new label for me, but one with a roster that feels like home. Contemporary acts like Novelty Island and label boss Roger’s own Ex-Norwegian, plus reissues for classic 60’s and 70’s bands such as Kaleidoscope and Os Mutantes. In the UK, Gare du Nord has not only released my new album, but has put together a fab album of remixes of ‘Morgenschlager’ tracks. I’m going to re-record a couple songs from the album in a gruntier guitar style for a Spanish label called Lucinda. I’ve worked with various other labels in France, Spain, the US and UK.

Do they have any plans to reissue your older material?

Nick Saloman from the Bevis Frond has a new label called Blue Matter and they’re going to reissue my “authentically” psychedelic album, ‘In The Village Of The Apple Sun.’ That makes great sense, as it was when I was working with the Bevis Frond on an album in Bromley that “Village” really took shape in my head, so we’ve got a nice full circle thing happening. Meanwhile, I’m talking with Think Like A Key about putting out a fresh “Introducing Anton Barbeau” collection. I did one called Empire Of Potential which was meant to save me from having to drag a suitcase around Spain loaded with 25 odd Ant albums. I’ve released more than 50 times my body weight in material.

Tickets are $20 advance and can be purchased at www.thesidedoor.net. The Allyson Seconds Band opens the show. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts soon thereafter. All ages are welcome. The Side Door is located at 2900 Franklin Blvd. in Sacramento.

(Capital Chaos TV)