Windsor for the Derby

Live! Friday July 12, at Capitol Garage, 1427 L. St., with the Swords Project. Call for time and cover.

Hardly another posthumous slowcore act following in the footsteps of its idols, Windsor for the Derby has been releasing music since 1994, embracing the greater attributes of its contemporaries. Like many of Michael Gira’s projects, Windsor has embraced elegance over posturing and has captured melody though sparse arrangements—as on the fine opening track, “The Same,” or the closer, “Donkey Ride.” The Emotional Rescue LP succeeds with lush acoustics, piano and saxophone. “Now I Know the Sea” and “Awkwardness” are a few additional tracks that hint at this Austin, Texas-based quartet’s love for seminal Chicago textural acts such as the Sea & Cake. Windsor is currently on tour with Portland-based prog band the Swords Project throughout July; it’ll be interesting to see how its sound translates into the live setting. Odds are the show will be a real treat.
