Strapping Young Lad


Strapping Young Lad’s Devin Townsend not only can write an ultra-heavy album’s worth of over-the-top metal, but he also produces. SYL lets Townsend show off his musical aptitude along with his recording prowess. Aided by the monstrous rhythm section of bassist Byron Stroud and everybody’s favorite drummer, Gene Hoglan, guitarist Jed Simon adds to the already mammoth-sized sound. Even though songs like “Dire” and “Relentless” deal with 9/11, Townsend’s passion and vocal strength remain intact and sincere. Although Townsend had been absent from the scene—producing and recording takes up the bulk of his time—one listen to the emotionally charged “Rape Song” or “Dirt Pride” will lay waste to any predictions that he has lost his edge. As luck would have it, this new release is timed perfectly with the band’s first massive national tour with Egyptian metal god Nile and England’s Napalm Death.
