The Six Parts Seven/ The Black Keys

Split EP

The EP starts off with “A Blueprint of Something Never Finished,” a lovely number by Ohio’s finest instrumental ensemble, the Six Parts Seven. Formed in 1995 by the brothers Karpinksi, the band has become quite the force on the indie slow-core circuit, which has given rise to such acts as Maserati, Mogwai and the Mercury Program. The Black Keys throw the somewhat somber mood into a tailspin with cuts from an on-air performance at a college. Such tracks as “The Moon” and “Thickfreakness” restore faith in the two-man-band configuration. Singer and guitarist Dan Auerbach and drummer Patrick Carney tear through some bluesy, distorted numbers that not only recall but also stand up against any Junior Kimbrough or T-Model Ford release. Odd pairings rarely ever work. Somehow, this all makes sense.