Safety Second, Body Last

8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28 with Giant Squid, Tera Melos and the Blue Letter; $12; all ages. The Boardwalk, 9426 Greenback Lane, in Orangevale.

Leave it to the quirky Mike Patton to team up with the Locust as his big middle finger to the record industry. Virtually the progenitors of the spaz-core scene, the Locust, whose stage attire resembles that of life-sized insects, have released a concept album that is essentially one song divided into four sections. If you loved Plague Soundscapes, you’ll find great pleasure knowing the quartet hasn’t let up. “Invented Organs/New Tongue Sweepstakes/Consenting Abscess” is both white noise and math rock, infused with irregular sonic threats. Fans of the Blood Brothers, Holy Molar, Fantomas, or even Hella will appreciate the sonic calisthenics herein. Perhaps the only thing missing from this nearly complete package is a healthy dose of Ritalin. Long live diet pills and caffeinated mints! Let the sleep deprivation begin!