The Perishers

Let There Be Morning

Sweden’s latest export, although signed to the same management company that handles Sarah McLachlan and Dido, shares little in common with the aforementioned artists (thankfully). Vocalist and guitarist Ola Klüft and his childhood friend, keyboardist Martin Gustafson, have been working together since 1997, and the cohesion is more than obvious. Fans of early Eels should appreciate the tempered delivery of “A Reminder” or even “Trouble Sleeping.” Although comparison to Coldplay will come from throngs of writers, upon further inspection, the Perishers are doing something uniquely their own without sounding compromised by radio standards (song length, structure, etc). If “Nothing Like You And I” doesn’t make you stop and listen, perhaps you’re too far gone. A nice, well-rounded debut U.S. release.
