Don’t drink the Kool-Aid

Around these parts, Anton Newcombe is known as the other<i> Anton.</i>
Around these parts, Anton Newcombe is known as the other Anton.

It’s hard to believe that Brian Jonestown Massacre, named after the sadly departed Rolling Stones guitarist, was formed more than 15 years ago. Since its inception, the band has maintained an unhealthy touring and release schedule interrupted by various member changes and countless pissing contests. Thanks to the enormous popularity of the Dig! documentary—which made BMJ vocalist Anton Newcombe’s existence appear much more dramatic than any tabloid ever could—the band is back on the road yet again and the buzz is stronger than ever. Though countless fools believe the Dandy Warhols’ performance in Dig! was mightier than Newcombe’s tour de force, the proof is in the pudding. One listen to BMJ’s recently released (and well-timed) Tepid Peppermint Wonderland: A Retrospective should be enough reason to trash your copy of the Warhols’ Welcome to the Monkey House. The fact that the band is gracing the tiny, two-foot-high stage of Old Ironsides is the other. Catch them at 1901 10th Street on Saturday at 9 p.m. with Th’ Losin Streaks and Quarter After. Bring $10 for admission and your mescalin.
