The BellRays toll for thee

Garage heroes plus soul diva equals the BellRays.
Garage heroes plus soul diva equals the BellRays.

In the last six months, Sacramento has been treated to a plethora of touring musical talent that rivals most major cities’ concert options. One such band, the BellRays, will do its best to bring back R&B and garage rock ’n’ roll in the same performance this Friday night. Take any R&B diva (Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, et al.) and imagine her singing over the ruckus of an adept garage band (not necessarily an oxymoron), and you’re halfway there. Also on the bill are local legends Sonic Love Affair, whose last full-length reminded us why the major labels have been reissuing the Stooges’ records. San Francisco’s Chow Nasty opens the show. The show begins at 8 p.m., at The Library, located at 7042 Folsom Boulevard. Admission is $10. 21 and over only. Visit for more info.
