Take the plunge

House parties can be overwhelming.
House parties can be overwhelming.

Swimmers, who hail from Oregon, are doing a short run down the West Coast to rock a handful of local venues, including UC Davis’ own KDVS on Thursday. Also on the itinerary is a Davis house party (a common antidote for the lack of venues in the area). These intimate shows let touring fans get really close to bands without encountering a bunch of overzealous bouncers or having to endure the din of bar noise. Swimmers’ sound, a raucous blend of spastic dance and garage punk, may not be for everyone, but songs like “Hot Pocket” surely will invoke a few random spasms of the hip. Swimmers play 1114 Cypress Street in Davis with Nothing People and Boss the Big Bit on Saturday at 7 p.m. A $3 to $5 donation is strongly encouraged.
