Not that we have anything against Monk

Adam Kline: head and Golden Shoulders above the rest.
Adam Kline: head and Golden Shoulders above the rest.

You might have noticed that Old Ironsides has been offering plenty of $5 shows lately. Cheaper covers aren’t always enough to get people off the couch, but you should make an effort for Friday’s show with Golden Shoulders. This Nevada City pop band has more smarts than most major-label rosters en total. One listen to the Kin EP, the latest offering from Adam Kline and his rotating cast of characters, should be more than enough reason to sign up for TiVo. Live appearances by Kline have much more staying power than the latest episode of Monk. The $5 admission includes local favorites Prairie Dog; you’d be hard pressed to find a better option. Old Ironsides is located at 1901 10th Street. The show starts at 9:30 p.m. and is 21-and-over only, folks. Listen to the band at