October 2003

Mando Diao – Bring ’em in

While everyone races to find the next Stones or Velvet Underground, few actually deliver the goods. Enter Mando Diao, a Swedish quartet that borrows sparingly from the Kinks and the Animals without sounding coerced or manipulated. Although virtually unknown in the United States, the band has managed to stir up quite a buzz with its frenzied live show and the double vocal-guitar assault of Gustaf Noren and Björn Dixgárd. During such tracks as “Sheepdog” and “The Band,” the meter jumps all over the place, and the band seems to barely hold it all together. However, “Bring ’em in” manages to override any technical misgivings with infectious melodies and a hell of a 1960s vibe. Fans of Eric Burdon and the Libertines should lap this up like milk.



Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People

Led by Les Claypool, a skinny, quirky bassist with a penchant for fretboard calisthenics and slap bass, the Primus machine always held its comedic edge while impressing throngs of musicians with its respective instrumentation. The current lineup is near-original: guitarist Larry LaLonde and drummer Tim Alexander. Since its humble beginnings as Sausage, playing weekly at various North Bay haunts, it’s attracted a loyal legion of Primus-heads. These fans have been waiting for just such a reunion. This collection features a DVD of all of Primus’ music videos and a CD with five new songs. If “Pilcher’s Squad” and “Mary the Ice Cube” don’t get you interested, chances are Primus’ upcoming tour won’t matter, either. But for the devoted minions, this new offering couldn’t have come at a better time.