January 2005

Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – The Doldrums


While the indie-music world was searching for the next Interpol or Strokes equivalent, Los Angeles-based Ariel Pink was busy recording in relative isolation. The result was The Doldrums and, as an added bonus, Vital Pink, six extra tracks for your aural pleasure. These eight-track recordings feature Pink playing all instruments, including percussion that sounds near perfect made with his mouth, of all things. If you’re a fan of early-1960s psychedelic pop and early Syd Barrett, this twisted collection should do the trick. Although recorded in the last four years, songs like “Among Dreams” and “Good Kids Make Bad Grown Ups” are timeless psych-pop fodder. If you can stomach the lo-fi recordings, you’ll realize the true charm of Ariel Pink. How can he top this one? Ask the penguin.


M83 – Before the Dawn Heals Us

The sophomore release from Anthony Gonzalez and Nicolas Fromageau (a.k.a. M83) carries on the rich tradition of electronic wash and dense soundscapes without repeating the magic found on the band’s first release, Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost GhostsDead Cities relied heavily on instrumental ambience and bombastic dirges, but this collection finds the group incorporating vocals into the mix with great effect. Songs like “Farewell/Goodbye” are proof positive that the duo is more than a one-trick pony. In addition, M83 seeks to find a happy medium between dissonance and melody. The group’s minimalist choruses achieve much more in a few measures than most musicians do in a full-length player. If you’re looking for a repeat of last year’s masterpiece, stop now. M83 has successfully morphed again.
