Not a sit-down occasion

Sonic Love Affair thought Burning Man was <span style=
Sonic Love Affair thought Burning Man was last week.

If you’ve ever been to a Sonic Love Affair show, you already know how hard these boys play. Unlike many local bands that change their sound to meet today’s hipster standards, this quintet delivers unabashed rock ’n’ roll in its most primitive form. One listen to “Problem Child” or “Street Preacher” should be more than enough to break even the stiffest crossed-armed stances. Lead singer Dylan Rogers is anything but sedentary, and he doesn’t like to see people sitting still. Should you hear your name or a description of yourself being called out midway through the set, consider yourself warned. (Note to fans: Word has it the band is in the throes of recording its next full-length.) Also on the bill are the Spores and the phenomenal BellRays, whose soul-infused live show is unrivalled. Catch all these bands and more Friday at 9:30 p.m. at the newly remodeled Blue Lamp, located at 1400 Alhambra Boulevard; $12 and a valid ID gets you in.