Danza extravaganza

Um, where are the tap shoes?
Um, where are the tap shoes?

The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza should win an award for the coolest band name ever. Not only is it a burn on one of the world’s worst actors, but also the name somehow evokes a sense of overwhelming madness. If you like your metal on the spastic side and enjoy a little hot sauce with your side dishes, perhaps this band is just what the doctor prescribed. From head-scratching acoustic ditties to full-on ragers, this band is not for the squeamish. The Extravaganza plays The Boardwalk, located at 9426 Greenback Lane in Orangevale, on Thursday with touring buddies Psyopus and Home Pharmacy, and locals Cyanide Era and Excoriate. It’s a damn good time to see a live band in Orangevale. Tickets are $12, which should leave you with just enough cash to pick up that Who’s the Boss? T-shirt you’ve been eyeballing at the local thrift store.
