Wurdulak is another project from the overworked and underpaid Killjoy, frontman for seminal late-’80s horrorcore outfit Necrophagia. He’s enlisted some excellent players from both obscure and better-known bands, including Iscariah from Immortal on bass, Jehmod from Bloodthorn on drums, and Maniac from Mayhem providing his trademark howls and sepulchral screams. The remaining members—Ihizahg from Perished, Frediablo from Gorelord and Fug from Soul Forsaken—provide a wall of guitars. Wurdulak is mid-tempo black metal akin to Hecate Enthroned, Eibon, Satyricon or Ancient Rites, featuring lyrical contributions by Bard Faust and Maniac. Fans of Onslaught or early Slayer will enjoy “Containment of Inferno” or the epic opener “At One With the Beast.” One listen to Wurdulak’s latest should be enough to elicit a desperate rash of unacceptable behavior. A must-have for Killjoy enthusiasts.
