That Kai Kln connection

The Ricky and Del Connection: “Rocket! I’m taking a rocket! I’m packing my suitcase! Hey, look out Moon!”
The Ricky and Del Connection: “Rocket! I’m taking a rocket! I’m packing my suitcase! Hey, look out Moon!”

“Come see People magazine’s 51st and 52nd most beautiful people” said Ricky and Del Connection drummer Del Nelipez, better known as Neil Franklin. You might recognize the “connection” to his cohort, singer and guitarist Ricky Ranchero, aka Gene Smith; both men did time with the defunct Kai Kln, one of Sacramento’s biggest bands in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Connection formed a few years ago and has played locally, rarely traveling farther than Santa Rosa. Ranchero, Nelipez and alto saxophonist Flamp Sorvari perform without a bassist and fuse multiple styles, including jazz, rock, blues and folk. Their CD-release party is Saturday, December 14, at the Blue Lamp, 1400 Alhambra Boulevard. Electric Flood, which features Chris Horton and ex-Kai Kln bassist Scott Anderson, will open. Rumor has it Anderson may join Ricky and Del for part of their set. Where’s Sherman Loper? Smells like a Kai Kln reunion. You can find MP3s and more info at
