
Sonoma County’s 26mph, a four-piece band fronted by vocalist Airrick Nettleton and his guitar-playing brother Adam, would have to be the hardest working nu-metal band in the state. Its tour schedule has been relentless for the last two years, as the band has hit virtually every all-ages venue. It sounds like a mixture of early Papa Roach (Infest), Sevendust and Deftones. Its first-person lyrics can be a shortcoming, but not on the album’s high points—“Recognize,” “Pay Off” and “In Our Hearts.” Unlike Shortie, Tenfold and the countless bands that have played up and down the West Coast, 26mph has done everything itself—booking itself, promoting its own shows and going the extra mile for every show. In a market crowded by bands that would rather rest on their collective asses after just one capacity local show, 26mph shows its endurance on the live front and on this debut long player. Worth your listen.

Live! Saturday, December 28; at Capitol Garage, 1427 L Street; with Subject of Us, Thought Riot and Jim Jones Brigade; $6. Call venue for time.
