Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts

Anthony Gonzalez and Nicolas Fromageau have been writing and recording their twisted hybrid of ambient and fuzz rock under the mysterious moniker of M83 since 2000. Not since Tangerine Dream or Jean Michel-Jarre’s signature recordings has a duo rendered such a noteworthy time capsule. The duo’s formula is twofold: layer each song until there’s virtually zero space for cross-comparison, and use melancholy to drive the mother lode. The simple subtleties found within tracks like “Gone” speak volumes. One listen to “Unrecorded” or “Be Wild” should be enough reason to toss those Boards of Canada records aside. Without a doubt, this album should be considered the hallmark release for all electronic music during the 21st century. Dead Cities is a masterpiece—hands down, the best album of 2004.