Burned Mind

What started out as a solo project for Detroit native Nate Young in 1996 eventually festered into a trio, hell-bent on creating a soundtrack for the apocalypse. Wolf Eyes’ latest aural abomination—after several do-it-yourself cassettes and LPs, numerous CD-R-only releases and a slew of national tours—should be enough to incite a few well-planned serial murders. The trio, with Aaron Dilloway and Andrew Wilkes-Krier having joined Young within the last four years, straddles the line between industrial sonics and urban, white noise. Such tracks as “Urine Burn” and “Stabbed in the Face” set the nauseating pace, and “Rattlesnake Shake” tugs and pulls at your cerebral cortex with reckless aplomb. If you’re looking for the perfect accompaniment to your Faces of Death videos, look no further.