Hoods come home

Is this what they call happy hardcore?
Is this what they call happy hardcore?

If you haven’t seen Mikey Hood, guitarist and founding member of Hoods, around these parts of late, it’s because his band of traveling gypsies has been on the road celebrating its emancipation from Victory Records. Although the joining of forces with a label seemed inevitable, based on the band’s work ethic alone, it was only a matter of time before label shenanigans infuriated the energetic Mikey into threatening a bloody coup. Thankfully, before any blood was spilled in the streets of Chicago, the band signed to Eulogy Recordings, home to such noted acts as the Warriors, Calico System, Rag Men and On Broken Wings. Hoods play with one of their labelmates, Donnybrook, this Saturday at West Coast Worldwide. The all-ages show starts at 8 p.m. Admission is $7. The band likes to keep the whereabouts of its favorite downtown haunt limited to those “in the know.” If you’re not, visit www.westcoastworldwide.com and tell ’em Fast Eddie sent you.
