If they gave out Sammies for best hair, Th’ Losin Streaks would be in the Hall of Fame.
If they gave out Sammies for best hair, Th’ Losin Streaks would be in the Hall of Fame.

Few bands in Sacramento can top the visual onslaught that is Th’ Losin Streaks. Although the band has only been around for the better part of two years, its live show is unrivalled. From drummer Matt K. Shrugg’s spastic hand and foot work to guitarist Mike Farrell’s one-armed, nouveau dance-guitar shtick, there isn’t a dull moment. Frontman Tim Foster knows how to whip a bored bar crowd into a frenzy with his off-kilter stage persona. Sure, the sets are short and the songs are brief, but, like any good garage band, that’s the lure. If you haven’t heard the band yet (or are in need of a good, swift, ass kickin’), Th’ Losin Streaks will deliver on all fronts. While the band prepares to record the follow-up to its debut platter, Sounds of Violence, it has a small handful of local dates to appease its ever-growing fan base. This Saturday’s show at the Blue Lamp, located at 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, includes the legendary Bananas and the up-and-coming Black Dahlias. Hide your girlfriend.